
What's the Best Age for a Facelift?

Jul 14, 2022

What's the Best Age for a Facelift?

The Fotona4D® noninvasive laser facelift makes any time the right time if you’re ready for tighter, healthier skin. There’s no surgery involved, and your skin tightens and rejuvenates from the inside out.

Laser facelifts with Fotona4D® offer a noninvasive way to gain the benefits of tight and healthy skin without the preparation and downtime associated with surgical procedures. Fotona4D changes the facelift timeline — every age is now the right age to improve the way your skin looks and feels.

Consult with Generations Family Practice Wellness Center about your skin care needs and much more. The Fotona system provides a range of medical laser treatments. Find out more about the capabilities and advantages it offers. 

Why choose a laser facelift? 

Conventional facelift surgery is an extreme intervention accompanied by the risks associated with any surgical procedure, including infection, reaction to anesthesia, long recoveries, and potential for complications. Procedures are expensive and you may need additional surgery to balance, blend, or complement your facelift result. The typical age for a surgical facelift is 45 years or older. 

Anytime you want to experience the healthy advantages of the Fotona4D laser facelift is the right time. Fotona4D goes far beyond the scope of surgery. It’s all about your skin’s wellness — a key philosophy behind every aspect of our practice. 

The advantages of Fotona4D

A hallmark of the Fotona laser is its versatility, capable of use in gynecological, dental, and surgical fields. It’s not surprising to learn that the Fotona4D facelift isn’t a single treatment. Instead, it features four dimensions, or steps, that address skin health, combining to generate new vitality for your skin.

These four steps are: 

  • SmoothLiftin™: starting your laser facelift from inside your mouth
  • FRAC3®: targeting specific areas for improvement
  • PIANO®: a heat brushing technique that lifts your skin
  • SupErficial™: a laser peel that adds to skin glow

Fotona4D creates healthful benefits not available through surgical facelifts, like:

  • An effective lifting procedure starting deep in your skin and working to the surface
  • No need for incisions, stitches, or anesthetic
  • No medication required during or after your procedure
  • Immediate results with downrange improvements over the coming weeks and months 
  • Added skin volume
  • Brighter complexion with a healthy glow
  • Little to no time needed for recovery after treatment

Your Fotona4D facelift is a custom treatment designed around your skin conditions. Perhaps the best selling point for the Fotona laser facelift is its noninvasive nature. Instead of cutting through skin to reach tissue below the surface, Fotona’s dual-wavelength, fractional lasers work through the epidermis to stimulate deeper tissue. 

With Fotona4D, there’s really no best age for a laser facelift. Learn more by meeting with our experts at Generations Family Practice Wellness Center. Schedule an appointment online or by phone. Revitalized, healthy skin awaits. Book now.